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Beltzville Flying Machine Society
Contact Information:  US Mail                                               

                                       P.O. Box 74
                                       Palmerton, PA 18071

                                        e-mail:  Scott:  vothsc@ptd.net

B.F.M.S.’s 2023 Executive Officers

President:  Ron Keiper
Vice President:  Wayne Sherman
Secretary:  Scott Voth
Treasurer:  Scott Voth


The club maintains a private FB group: "Beltzville Flying Group" that is invitation only where members can post pictures and videos supporting the club. 

Charity and Community Outreach:

Each year as part of our membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics, the members of the Beltzville Flying Machine Society, to support the community in which we live, work and play, put on a Demonstration and Fun Fly for the Beltzville State Park and the Mahoning Valley Community. We have chosen to support a local charity at the suggestion of Ron Kieper, one of our members. By a vote of the membership at a BFMS Monthly meeting all the proceeds from a raffle and voluntary contributions made at the Beltzville Park Demonstration and Fun Fly are to be given to the MCCC. We hope to continue this successful venture in the future.  Click here to learn more about BFMS and its work in the community.

Field Location

Our flying field is located on the northwestern side of Beltzville State Park. Take Pohopoco Drive north along the west side of the dam until you get to the stop sign just past the Beltzville Lake Inn, then turn right onto SR 1001 and continue for about a quarter to half mile looking for the BFMS gate on your left. The field is in a large meadow surrounded by high trees.

BFMS Field