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Beltzville Flying Machine Society Club Patch  

The Beltzville Flying Machine Society is an Academy of Model Aeronautics afiliated flying field and requires AMA membership in order to fly at the field. We are an FAA approved flying site (FRIA) and do not require transponders in aircraft within our 1/4 mile flying radius.  We aim to continue this status in the future. All AMA members as well as the new Park Pilot Program members are welcome to join the B.F.M.S. The club was founded in the Spring of 1981 by a handful of model airplane enthusiasts living in the Mahoning Valley of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The founding members: Lynn Carpenter, Si Corson, Charley Thon, Eddy Martino, David Carpenter, Ike Kershner, Fred Blacksmith, Dave Dietz, Pete Wisler, Jack Roth, Bob Kuba, Kim Huntington, Steve Sturdick , Larry Sturdick and Dick Andrews met at Lynn Carpenters home to organize the club and elect the leadership. To the best of my knowledge, Lynn Carpenter was the first President, Pete Wisler was elected Vice President, Kim Huntington was the Secretary and Fred Blacksmith was Treasurer. That first year was a time of considerable activity including finding a field, and establishing a newsletter.

BFMSA flying site would not be found until August 4th, 1981, and that site is the same one we are using today. Although the field could not be officially used until October, permission was obtained to fly during that first summer. Free flight, control line and radio control were all part of the member’s flying activities at this time.

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